Pixja RSS Feeds - omdesign https://pixja.com/rss/seller/omdesign Pixja RSS Feeds - omdesign en Copyright 2023-2024 Deeko Global LLC - All Rights Reserved. 10 Things - Eye Candy https://pixja.com/10-things-eye-candy-1164 https://pixja.com/10-things-eye-candy-1164

✔ Price: $800

These images were created with a great deal of care and specificity. They are meant to excite the optic nerve in a specific way, that in turn, excites a three dimensional array of neurons with patterns and color that they were 'expecting'.

The more you look, the more relaxed your brain is actually able to be.

Fri, 13 Sep 2024 16:32:43 -0400 omdesign