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Medium Size Coral Collection (Coffee Mug sized Images)

By Mistress
2790 x 1219, 300 DPI

These detailed and vibrant images blend elements of marine life with an abstract artistic style. Bubbles, coral reefs, and floral-like patterns suggest an underwater seascape, yet the designs transcend reality with its fantasy-like interpretation. The range of colors from deep blues and purples to vivid oranges and pinks creates a gradient effect, offering a tapestry of hues that showcase both the mystery and the beauty of the ocean's depths. The patterns within the images are complex, suggesting movement and life, making it perfect for design assets in DIY projects or as an inspiring artwork.

Item Type Collection of Images
Image Generator Midjourney
Image Width (px) 2790
Image Height (px) 1219
Image Resolution (DPI) 300

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